. Improved literacy and numeracy skills

• Increased tolerance and mutual respect
• An increased awareness of people’s own and other cultures and faiths
• A strong emphasis on building self-esteem and self-confidence,
• A raised awareness of health and safety issues
• Reduced street crime and anti-social behaviour
• An added dimension to the citizenship
• Increased accessing employment through training, careers advice
• Local children and young people made new friends, developed social and practical skills.
• Local people gained new skills and qualifications.
• Local people became more involved in community activities.
• We enabled the YP to join local health and fitness activities
• Young people develop their own sports club.
• We introduced different, culturally influenced activities.
• We enabled YP to mix with those outside their geographical setting.
• YP were able to advocate for their own well being and safety concerns.
• We enabled YP to develop into balanced and well-rounded individuals.
• YP was enabled them to contribute towards cohesive communities.
• YP developed an ability to express themselves fairly and firmly through the workshops.

Our Aims

To develop social unity programme which will contribute towards the social network and integration, opportunity to liaise and form partnership, access information, empowerment, self-development, discussions groups around common issues and interests which will enable to get involved in issues of particular relevance to communities living and working in fast growing gobalised society. This will facilitate the people to develop projects and activities that will encourage self help, advance education and promote life-long learning and social well being.


Furthermore, to associate the community, the statutory and non statutory organisations, voluntary groups and individuals in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interest of social welfare with the object of improving the conditions of life for the community.


Thank You for your Support.