Fun and Fitness Program (Supported by National Lottery Awards for All)

This project is a continual project. It aimed at  150 Young People and 100 Older people.  The programme encouraged participants to be physically active, have better choice in their lives, able to play more active role as an active citizen working together to tackle their problems, healthier lifestyle, have knowledge, confidence and skills to make informed and positive choices in schools, communities, society and at home.  All activities were designed to maximise the individual’s potential at a comfortable and supportive level, as they have diverse needs and needed diverse approaches and methods of delivery.  The activities were dynamic and flexible and were continually evolving.  Activities and the delivery of these activities reflected the current youth culture.  This ensured that young people were interested in the activity.  Our actual achievements of the project are as follows:

  1. Through positive engagement in the programme learning activities and workshops, we build confidence building, literacy and numeracy, decision-making, and two-way communications.
  1. Through increasing fitness levels by participating in 25 mixtures of sports and culturally sensitive activities, we simultaneously gave young people the opportunity to experience new things, for example, Kabaddi as a sport and gave young people the opportunity to experience things they did  otherwise not have the opportunity to do.


Thank You for your Support.