Young People Project

About This Project




Engage with and stimulate activity with children and young people to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and increase citizenship and community cohesion. 




  • Develop a programme of recreational and sporting opportunities to reduce crime and anti social behaviour
  • Provide advice and guidance for young people to enable support and promote positive family relationships to foster tolerance and mutual respect
  •  Promote health promotion and awareness of sexual health
  •  Promote activities to provide drug and alcohol education
  •  Train young people in first aid
  •  Develop a programme for personal safety and reduce fear of crime
  •  Increase confidence and self esteem to reduce bullying
  •  Provide parenting skills workshops for young parents
  •  Promote activities/ workshops/ seminars which improve educational skills and enable children and young people to learn new skills
  •  Promote citizenship throughout all activity
  •  Share exchange programmes to learn about culture and exchange ideas
  •  Work within the ethos of “Every Child Matters”